Elizabeth Ashdown

One of only a few hand Passementerie artists working in the UK today, Elizabeth combines traditional and endangered craft skills with a contemporary aesthetic in order to create intriguing, energetic and playful art works and bespoke lengths of passementerie.

Working from her studio in London, Elizabeth creates work for a diverse range of clients including creating hand woven, bespoke artwork commissions for private collectors, to creating artworks for exhibitions and weaving bespoke passementerie lengths. Elizabeth has exhibited her passementerie artworks both nationally and internationally.

In 2023, Elizabeth was awarded the first Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust ADAM Architecture Scholarship for passementerie.

Elizabeth is passionate about sharing the fascinating world of passementerie. She regularly teaches Passementerie Masterclasses both online and in person. Please click here for the latest class information.

In May 2024, Elizabeth’s book ‘Passementerie handcrafting contemporary trimmings, fringes, tassels and more' will be published by Schiffer.

Elizabeth received her MA in Textiles from the Royal College of Art.

In 2023, Elizabeth was admitted to The Clothworkers’ Company as a Member of the Freedom.

If you would like to discuss a bespoke artwork commission or a bespoke passementerie commission, please get in touch.
